Orator To Masonite ORM

Orator To Masonite ORM Guide

This guide will explain how to move from Orator to Masonite ORM. Masonite ORM was made to be pretty much a straight port of Orator but allow the Masonite organization complete creative control of the ORM.

Orator has since been abandoned and Masonite needed a good ORM to keep fresh features and security up to date with the ORM.

Before moving your project over to Masonite ORM please keep in mind some features are not (_at least currently)_ ported over from Orator. These are features that may be ported over in the future.

This list is a continuously evolving list of features and anything we develop will be removed from the list. These features are planned but not yet finished.

Currently these features are:

  • through relationships (HasOneThrough, HasManyThrough, etc)

If you are using Masonite 2 then you will not be able to upgrade to Masonite ORM because of version conflicts between Masonite and Masonite 2 ORM.


The configuration dictionary between Orator and Masonite ORM is identical. The only difference is that Masonite ORM requires a config/database.py file whereas Orator was optional and needed to be explicitly specified in several places like commands.

If you are coming from Masonite already then don't worry, this file is already there. If not you will need to create this config/database.py file.

This is an example of a Masonite ORM config dictionary:

import os

    'default': 'mysql',
    'mysql': {
        'driver': 'mysql',
        'host': os.getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST'),
        'user': os.getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_USER'),
        'password': os.getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
        'database': os.getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_DATABASE'),
        'port': os.getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_PORT'),
        'prefix': '',
        'options': {
            'charset': 'utf8mb4',
        'log_queries': True
    'postgres': {
        'driver': 'postgres',
        'host': os.getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE_HOST'),
        'user': os.getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE_USER'),
        'password': os.getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
        'database': os.getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE_DATABASE'),
        'port': os.getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE_PORT'),
        'prefix': '',
        'log_queries': True
    'sqlite': {
        'driver': 'sqlite',
        'database': 'orm.sqlite3',
        'prefix': '',
        'log_queries': True
    'mssql': {
        'driver': 'mssql',
        'host': os.getenv('MSSQL_DATABASE_HOST'),
        'user': os.getenv('MSSQL_DATABASE_USER'),
        'password': os.getenv('MSSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
        'database': os.getenv('MSSQL_DATABASE_DATABASE'),
        'port': os.getenv('MSSQL_DATABASE_PORT'),
        'prefix': '',
        'log_queries': True

The other thing you will need to do is change the resolver classes. Orator has a configuration structure like this:

from orator import DatabaseManager, Model

  # ...

DB = DatabaseManager(DATABASES)

Masonite ORM those same resolver classes looks like this:

from masoniteorm.connections import ConnectionResolver

  # ...

db = ConnectionResolver().set_connection_details(DATABASES)


Models are identical but the imports are different. Orator requires you to set the model resolver from the configuration file and then you import that model.

In Masonite ORM you import the model directly:

# Masonite
from masoniteorm.models import Model

class User(Model):


Scopes are also identical but the import changes:

# Orator
from orator.orm import scope

class User(Model):

  def popular(self, query):
        return query.where('votes', '>', 100)
# Masonite
from masoniteorm.scopes import scope

class User(Model):

  def popular(self, query):
        return query.where('votes', '>', 100)


Relationships are also slightly different. In Orator there is a has_one relationship and a belongs_to relationship. In Masonite ORM this is only a belongs_to relationship. The logic behind has_one and belongs_to is generally identical so there was no reason to port over has_one other than for semantical purposes.

BelongsTo and HasOne

So if you have something like this in your Orator codebase:

# Orator
from orator.relationships import has_one

class User(Model):

  @has_one('other_key', 'local_key')
  def phone(self):
      from app.models import Phone
      return Phone

It will now become:

# Orator
from masoniteorm.relationships import belongs_to

class User(Model):

  @belongs_to('local_key', 'other_key') # notice the keys also switched places
  def phone(self):
      from app.models import Phone
      return Phone

Relationship Keys

In Orator, some relationships require a specific order of keys. For example a belongs to relationship is belongs_to('local_key', 'other_key')but a has one is has_one('other_key', 'local_key'). This is very confusing to remember so in Masonite ORM the keys are always local_key, other_key.

Fetching builder relations

In Orator you could do this:

user = User.find(1)
user.phone().where('active', 1).get()

This would delay the relationship call and would instead append the builder before returning the result.

The above call in Masonite ORM becomes:

user = User.find(1)
user.related('phone').where('active', 1).get()

Last updated