
Masonite ORM comes with several terminal commands you can run to speed up your development. Here are a list of commands and their descriptions

Below are examples to use Masonite ORM standalone but if you are using Masonite ORM with Masonite then you can replace the calls to masonite-orm with your applications python craft file.

For example you would replace the call for:

$ masonite-orm model User


$ python craft model User


Migration commands are used to create migration files, roll them back and refresh your database


You can create migration files easily. Migration files will create a class with an up method and a down method. You should perform your schema logic in the up method and then reverse what you did in the down method.

$ masonite-orm migration create_users_table


Migrating will run each unmigrated migration's up method. Each group of migrations that are ran will create a batch number and store information in the migrations table. The batch number will allow groups of migrations to be rolled back if needed.

$ masonite-orm migrate


You can rollback your migration files as well. This would run your migration files that are already migrated but in reverse order. This will run the down method on each migration file in reverse order to "undo" the migration changes that were previously ran.

When a group of migrations are migrated, that group will create a batch number. The rollback command will only rollback the last batch, or the migrations that were ran in the last group of migrations that you ran.

$ masonite-orm migrate:rollback


While the rollback method will rollback the previous batch of migrations, the reset command will rollback all migrations.

$ masonite-orm migrate:reset


Refreshing migrations is a simple way to redo all of your migrations. First it will rollback all migrations and then automatically migrate all the migrations again.

$ masonite-orm migrate:refresh

Getting Migration Status

Sometimes its good to know the status of the migrations so you can know if you have any migrations that need to be ran:

$ masonite-orm migrate:status

Creating Models

You can create a new model class quickly. There are also several options you can pass to this command to quickly create migrations and seeds quickly.

$ masonite-orm model {name}

Model Docstrings

One of the downsides of Masonite ORM compared to other models is you don't know what columns and data types you have on your models / tables.

For example, on other ORMs, columns are class attributes on your models so you can always reference your models to know what your tables look like.

To solve this with Masonite ORM you can use the model:docstring command. This command will output an example docstring of all your tables columns and their data types so you can put it on your model for reference. When you make schema changes you can rerun this command to get the updated schema.

Another downside is not being able to see IDE type hints on your models. This is also solved using the --type-hints option you can find below.

$ masonite-orm model:docstring {table}

Make Observers

You can easily build observer files:

$ masonite-orm observer {name}


Seeding is a great way to get test data into your database.

Making a Seed File

To make a seed file is simple:

$ masonite-orm seed {table}

Running Seeds

To run the seeds is simple:

$ masonite-orm seed:run

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